
CROCHETING, WHERE CREATIVITY WEAVES THE THREADS OF FAITH AND KNOWLEDGE: Middle school students in Leah Pizzalato's class have been learning t...

Threads of Love
St. Luke's Students learn to crochet
1 min read

Middle school students in Leah Pizzalato's class have been learning to crochet.
"I am thrilled to offer our middle school students a creative outlet through the art of crochet," says Leah. But there's more to this hobby than just fun! Studies have proven that crocheting reduces stress and anxiety, prolongs memory loss, increases self-esteem, and provides us with a sense of belonging.

Through the delicate dance of hook and yarn, our teens find a haven of tranquility amidst the storm of adolescence. "This class has truly taught me how to be more patient. I've learned the true meaning of 'hard work pays off'," reflects Savannah, one of our enthusiastic crocheters.

"Crocheting may take a lot of patience and precision, but over time, you can reach your goals," adds Brook, another student.

In just one quarter, we've witnessed our students stitch together more than just scarves and blankets; they've woven the fabric of resilience, self-confidence, and friendship. It's our hope that they will continue this life-long skill and share their gifts with others, threading the bonds of the church and school for generations to come.

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