Advent Message from Fr. Bryan Owen

Fr. Bryan offers a message as we enter the season of Advent.

An Advent Message from Fr. Bryan
Advent Message from Fr. Bryan
2 min read
Dear People of God,
It’s hard to believe, but the season of Advent is upon us.  Advent is one of my favorite seasons of the church calendar year because it is so complex and rich in diverse themes.  Those themes include: waiting, expectation, wonder, anticipation, longing, dawning, pregnancy, birth, judgment, endings, beginnings, judgment, repentance, arrival, presence, preparation, fulfillment, and joy.  Taken together, the four Sundays of Advent touch on all of the major themes of the Christian faith. 
In the midst of that tapestry of Advent themes, we prepare for the coming of Christ.  We prepare for the Christ who comes in weakness as a baby lying in a manger.  We prepare for the Christ who comes in glory to judge the living and the dead.  We prepare for the Christ who comes in power to make all things new.  We prepare to receive the coming Christ in the Word and Sacraments of the Church.  We prepare for the Christ who comes among us in surprising persons, especially the poor, the needy, and the helpless.
In the midst of a very busy time of the year, I pray that we will make time this Advent to simply be still.  Be still as the days grow shorter, the shadows lengthen, and the darkness descends.  Be still with the longings, sorrows, and hopes that fill our hearts.  Be still and trust that the One who brings salvation is near at hand.
For we are waiting for the light that shines in the darkness, a light the darkness can never overcome (cf. John 1:5).  We are waiting for a joy that can never be taken away.  We are waiting for the gift of everlasting life that triumphs over the grave.  We are waiting for Jesus Christ, the One who fulfills our deepest longings and hopes.
I wish you all every blessing during this Advent season and every joy as we celebrate the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ.
 frbryanFr. Bryan Owen

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