Flu News for You
October is fast approaching, and that means….flu vaccines at St. Luke’s! Albertson’s will again be providing vaccinations for those aged 7 and up on Sunday, October 15 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the CHURCH CONFERENCE ROOM Bring your friends!
What vaccinations will be offered?
•Flu (regular and senior dose for those 65 years +)
•Covid boosters- This includes the new variant.
•Shingrix - For those aged 50 and up, 2 doses are given 2-6 months apart. If it has been longer than 6 months since the first dose, then just a second dose is needed; there is no need to restart series.
•TDAP/Boostrix- It is recommended to receive these every 10 years
*RSV- For those aged 60 and up only
*Pneumonia- For those 65 and up unless health condition (diabetes, asthma, COPD) only
* The RSV and Pneumonia vaccinations will be available only to those who sign up in advance. Here is the link:
What if I’m not comfortable with signing up for the RSV or Pneumonia Vaccinations online?
Just call me at the Church Office (
225-926-5343) or send me an email (bwilliams@stlukesbr.org) with your name, date of birth, insurance and what vaccinations you wish to receive, and I’ll forward the information to my contact at Albertson’s; that way, she can verify that the vaccination will be covered by insurance.
Is there any other paperwork to do?
Please complete this consent and bring it with you that day:
2023Informed Consent for Immunization Universal 2023_Fillable.pdf
How many vaccinations can I get in one day?
Here is the guidance from our contact at Albertson’s:
“As far as immunizations limit it just depends on which immunizations- I will say the Shingrix/RSV tend to cause more injections site pain so I would not recommend more than 2 immunizations if one is getting Shingrix/RSV. Overall, there is no upper limit but generally I do not advise more than 4 immunizations at once. We normally do them in separate arms unless one has a preference of an arm then we can do 2 immunizations in the same arm an inch apart. Flu, TDAP, Pneumonia are mild immunizations, Covid tends to be patient specific, and RSV/Shingrix cause a little more (pain)”
Is there anything else I would need?
Yes, you’ll need to bring your health insurance card and photo ID. Please also bring your record/card from receiving previous COVID vaccinations.
Thank you for helping Baton Rouge stay healthier! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Faithfully yours,

Becky Williams, RN, BSN